Hobbytronics Serial TFT Load Tested
In the course of developing my Serial TFT Python driver library for the Hobbytronics Serial TFT board. I conducted a suite of "load" tests which I used to determine just how fast I could draw text, pixels, lines, boxes, filled boxes, circles and filled circles. The results are pretty good for a serial connection, but naturally the combination of serial communication and an Arduino display driver slow things down to the point where extensive, full-screen animation isn't viable.
For basic UI display, clocks, tweets and other information readout, however, the Serial TFT is a great way to add a very quick, easy and simple to drive display for your Pi. It's not a Pi-only product, however. Where it excels is in taking the load away from a lesser controller, such as another Arduino, and letting you add a TFT screen to a project without sapping a good half your microcontroller memory for a display buffer.
« Back to index Posted on 2013-05-29 by Philip Howard