This website was originally written in Ruby and hosted on the Raspberry Pi. It's now archived at GitHub for posterity!

First Norwich RPi group meetup

Today marked the first of Norwich's Raspberry Pi meetups and with 14ish people turning up, I think we can chalk it up as a success. Dubbed NorwichRPi, the group has brought together like-minded enthusiasts from all walks of life, and even snared a couple of passers-by who had heard of the Pi. The House cafe on St Benedicts have been excellent hosts providing good food, good coffee and a good atmosphere.

This has been a great opportunity to get a feel for the creative and technical underbelly of Norwich, and it has been made abundantly clear that we are in dire need of an assigned, 24/7 hacker-space ( or maker-space ) where we can gather and embark on community projects, share our experiences and perhaps deliver some education to those interested in the things we love.

There are many people currently engaged into making such a space possible. With any luck the Pi will continue to bring people together, and perhaps we can base some electronics/artistic projects upon it in the future; hopefully in a brand-shiny-new Norwich hackerspace.

In the interim, I implore any Norwich readers to give NorwichRPi a chance. It was a great opportunity to meet new people with similar interests and new ideas about what we could achieve with the Pi. As the group becomes more established, we'll likely have an informal itinerary for meetings and try to actually do something constructive. The choice of venue, specifically not a pub, makes the group far more inclusive than the likes of ALUG or Norwich 2600 and prevents folks simply drinking and chatting; not that those are bad things, of course!

More photos of the event are available here:

« Back to index Posted on 2012-08-26 by