Adventures in Assembly
Always eager to use the Raspberry Pi as an excuse to push my knowledge of programming and hardware, I decided to go on a little journey into the mystifying world of ARM Assembly.
Following the guide from I set about rewriting the Intel? Assembly in the examples to the ARM equivilent. I had some difficulty accessing the array of numbers in the find-the-largest-number example, but eventually overcame it with sheer determination and a lot of fumbling through any references to ARM assembly I could turn up on Google. The resulting, not exactly brilliant, code with amends suggested by Tufty is as follows:
.data data_items: .long 3,67,34,222,45,75,54,245,34,44,33,22,11,66,0 msg: .ascii "Finding Largest Number\n" len = . - msg .text .code 32 .globl _start _start: mov r0, #0x000001 @ Not sure why we put a 1 here ldr r1, =msg @ Put the msg address in r1 ldr r2, =len @ And the len in r1 mov r7, #0x000004 @ And the syscall for write in the r7 svc #0x000000 ldr r4,=data_items @ Load address of data_items into r4 mov r5,#0x000000 @ Start our r5 counter at 0 ldr r0,[r4,r5,LSL #0x000002]@ Load from data_items r4 with offset r5 and multiplier of 2 start_loop: cmp r1,#0x000000 @ Check for end of list 0 beq loop_exit @ Exit if we've hit 0 add r5,r5,#0x000001 @ Increment our counter ldr r1,[r4,r5,LSL #0x000002]@ Load the next data_items into r1 cmp r1,r0 @ Compare ble start_loop @ Branch to the start of our loop if less or equal mov r0,r1 @ Move r1 to r0 if its greater b start_loop @ Loop! loop_exit: mov r1,#0x000000 mov r4,#0x000000 mov r5,#0x000000 mov r7,#0x000001 @ 1 is the syscall for exit svc #0x000000
Building and running the file is fairly simple, excepting the cryptic CPU name which I retrieved from the forums thanks to tufty. Just run the following commands, assuming your code is in the file big.s:
as -g -mcpu=arm1176jzf-s -o big.o big.s
ld -o big big.o
echo $?
That last line, echo $?, should display the exit code that big returned. In the above example, it'll be 245 because that's the largest number.
« Back to index Posted on 2012-06-20 by Philip Howard