This website was originally written in Ruby and hosted on the Raspberry Pi. It's now archived at GitHub for posterity!

Gordon's Raspberry Pi Ladder Board

In my several month absense from all things Raspberry Pi, I have neglected to enthuse about a number of great little projects which I have quietly noted and then, admittedly, forgotten about.

Gordon ( of WiringPi fame amongst other things ) has produced one such project in the guide of the Raspberry Pi Ladder board, a great little starer board that puts an onus on low cost and simplicity, yet offers an excellent introduction to Raspberry Pi GPIO and a surprising amount of potential for something that comprises only a very tidily presented 10 LEDs and 4 switches.

You can pick up the kit for a paltry £5.99 from Tandy and in addition to offering a GPIO starting point it's a great little introduction to through-hole soldering that even I could confidently cobble together.

I hope to get my hands on one soon, for a full review, a redux of my Ruby Binary Clock with shiny new features and a photo diary of my abysmal soldering skills.

« Back to index Posted on 2012-12-11 by